Dress: 50's/60's vintage, pasadena flea market
Slip: 50's vintage, wasteland in LA
Tights: We love colors (they're supposed to be red...)
Shoes: Off Saks
Earrings- F21
Bracelet- Vintage, thrifted
Hairbow- No idea
Lipstick- Sephora "maniac"
So as far as outfit photos go, these were kind of a fail. They are from last week and nothing seemed to go right. It was late in the day and I couldn't get the lighting right at all (thus the various locations), and then there were these tights. Sigh. In real life they are bright Fushia. Ask anyone, and they are fushia. But magically when photographed, the come out the colour they were supposed to be when I bought them, which is red... So the bright pink lipstick, and the pink hair tie look kind of funny, but I assure you that in person they matched. Grr..

This is one of the dresses I bought last Sunday at the flea market and I think it's probably my favourite one. I don't know why, because it is so very simple, but I seriously love it to bits! It's a crepe-like rayon, cozy, and can be dressed up or down... What's not to love. Especially when it only sets you back ten clams! I don't usually go for these more late fifties/early sixties looks, but this was fun. This was actually the second time I wore it last week. It is definitely a keeper!

I also bought real, good quality shoes. I'm tired of my shoes dying after a few months of wear. These were on sale at Off Saks for $50. They were regularly $199. When I get my next paycheck I'm going back to get a pair in blue and red. They are like wearing clouds, and! they have leather soles! Leather soles make my heart go pitter patter. So lat night I began the somewhat traumatizing task of going through my closet. It was time for my quarterly clean-out anyways (I'm so not joking about that either...), and considering that a) I couldn't see the floor of my closet because of the mountain of shoes and b) I had to dig just to find a pair, so I've pretty much been wearing the same three pairs that I could find for the last month or so, it has come at a good time. I've decided to grow up a bit in my shoe buying. Those basics that I wear again and again are getting replaced by good quality ones that won't break after a few weeks of wear. And of course I can have some "fun" shoes in there, but ones that get a lot of wear need to be better quality. I am just too hard on my shoes!

I should also mention that this lipstick is something the girl at Sephora talked me into. I wasn't sure it would look okay with my hair colour (it was the last one, so I couldn't try it on), because, hello, it is bright freaking pink if you haven't noticed. I hemmed and hawed, and said okay, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. The girl kept telling me it would look great since I already wear such bold colours (I was wearing red, which I have actually never thought of as a bold colour of lipstick), but I'm not sure this "bold" is what I'm going for... I may look more like a cheap hooker than a girl wearing an eccentric lipstick colour....
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