Last night I went Swing Dancing! I had a total blast too! And honestly I didn't do so bad. I was actually surprised by how many people there (who had been to far more of the lessons than I) who were much worse than I was! I may not have the co-ordination for dancing, but I can at least move to the rhythm. There were people all over the place, wiggling, and flopping about! But really, it was fantastic and I am for sures going to go each night. I'm also going to stop telling my partners that I'm terrible because then they act all pedantic and start mantra-ing "1-2-roo-ock-step, 1-2-roo-ock-step." I have two left feet guys, not the inability to count music. After all I trained in Opera for only 12 years... Actually I had about three different partners who each told me "hey you've got great rhythm" which I'm assuming was one of those, let's point out the good things and sugar coat the vast majority of bad things, compliments. Oh and Andi, thank you for the leader tip! I did far better when I was with a guy who actually knew what he was doing! It gave me hope! haha!

Brooch- Vintage, gift from my parents from Magpie Vintage Portland, OR
Earrings- Target!
Bangle- Vintage, thrifted
Skirt- Elsewhere Vintage, Orange CA
Shoes- BC Footwear
I bought this skirt Sunday at my favourite vintage shop in Orange, Elsewhere Vintage. I never leave that shop empty handed. And I always have to leave things behind. Which is kind of awesome! The selection is absolutely great and the owners are just wonderful! It's family owned and run and they have a smaller men's vintage shop two doors down called Joy Ride (which my brother in law is a big fan of!). If you're ever in Old Town Orange, drop in for sure! Tell them I sent you (and read the dressing room signs!! haha!)!

I actually almost didn't get this skirt, but I'm so glad I did in the end! Holy Krakow I love it. I can't tell what kind of fabric it is. It' very lightweight and almost cotton like, but it's a heavier weave, almost like canvas.... And of course there are no tags, but all I know is it is a perfect year round skirt. Plus I've been trying to get more green in my wardrobe. And I do have to point out that it was actually my dad who picked this out. I was browsing the dresses (which were drool inducing), and he called me over and showed me the skirt (he was looking for one for my mom) said he thought it was my size and I curled my lip initially. It's most definitely a 50's skirt and I do not like 50's skirts (or much else from the 50's for that matter). The length is all wrong on me and I always feel guilty altering vintage clothes. But I tired it on (with a blouse that I also bought that totally does not match at all) and was completely smitten. The length still annoys me a bit, but with heels I don't mind it so much. I had intended on styling it more 40's, but ended up with a definite 50's look. I don't mind it so much, though I oddly feel much "older" in it...?
Apologies for the somewhat wonky photos. The temps peaked at 111 here yesterday and we had the weirdest cloud covering. today it only got up to the mid 90's, which was saddly a relief!

I like this look a lot, maybe because I am a big fan of the 50's the skirt looks good on you and I don't think the lenght is bad, with the heels I think it's very flaterring on you.
ReplyDeleteLooking prettily retro!
ReplyDeleteTotally loved this outfit... so much so that I included it in a Divas of the Week post... here --->>