Dear Diary,
I just woke from the most terrific dream! I dreamt that a nasty tornado came through my family's farm and swept away our house to a far off land. The land was so beautiful and full of funny small people, and a very pink lady! How strange! I also had a dog with some absurd name which I cannot remember. When I landed in this place the house had fallen on a lady whom all the small people called a very nasty word. But the lady had a pair of shoes- red shoes can you imagine!- that her poor grieving sister (who was green!) wanted. I was more than happy to return the shoes to her, all things considered, but the rather pink lady said no, waved a wand and suddenly the shoes were on my feet! I tried to tell her that my Aunt Em would be upset with me parading around in red shoes, but to no avail! She insisted! The nasty lady was so angry that she threw something on the ground and it turned into smoke and disappeared! I could hardly believe my eyes.
Then the pink lady told me I must so and see some sort of wizard (Aunt Em would disapprove heartily! She oft tells me these are things 'good Christian women' do not do!) so that he could help me go back home. In order to find this wizard I had to follow a path of yellow stones. Who has ever heard of a yellow stone? I followed the path, not knowing what else to do. I was surprised to find that the red shoes were oddly comfortable for walking.
Along the way I met some very strange characters! There was a man made of straw, a man made of tin, and a man who look suspiciously like a lion. I assume they all must have been trying to escape a circus, but they seemed not to know each other. We kept running into the nasty lady on our journey and she did prove those tiny people right! Her temper was worse than mine! She even tried to set the poor straw man on fire! As it turned out the man of tin was quite useless and just kept crying at everything, which meant I had to solve all our problems. It didn't help that the lion man was afraid of everything. It was quite trying and at one point I became so tired and started to fall asleep in a field of poppies, when there was a sudden snow storm! It was actually that we were being poisoned by that nasty lady and the pink lady sent the snow to cover the poison. I must remember this trick come winter. Our pigs are always getting into things they shouldn't eat, and then poisoning themselves.
Well we finally reached the end of the yellow pathway and it led to a city of emerald (which coincidentally is the only gem stone Aunt Em thinks is dignified). Inside the people were so kind (they all seemed to think my shoes were very spiffy!), and let us freshen up a bit. We had tea, and I had my hair done, which was wonderful as I've been trying to convince my aunt that I have grown out of braids. When we'd finished our green tea and cucumber sandwiches (they offered us a strange green drink called Absinthe which I declined. My aunt doesn't look well upon drinking. The lion man, however, had a little too much I believe. He kept muttering something about "liquid courage."), we were whisked off to meet the wizard. And what do you think he looked like? He was just a giant head floating in the room! I nearly fainted (the lion man did, which was rather bothersome!) when I saw him? it? I explained to the wizard that I wanted to go home and he didn't seem to understand why and then insisted that if I wanted to leave I had to go take something from that nasty lady! I've never stolen a thing in my life and here he was wanting me to take the woman's broomstick! How was she going to clean her floors now?
We decided to try and persuade the nasty lady to just give us her broom, but she had these awful aerial apes kidnap me! This made me quite angry, but it did mean that the other's had to actually do something for a change and solve this problem. Which they did amazingly well! Until we got caught. I was trying to distract the nasty lady so we could escape by throwing water on her and she went and melted! I was quite shocked! If she had just asked nicely I would have given her the darn shoes too. But the guards gave us her broomstick. I suppose I really didn't need to worry about how she would sweep her floors anymore. Though I wondered who would have the task of sweeping her up.
We took the broomstick back to the wizard and found out that the wizard was not a giant head at all! He wasn't even a wizard, just an old man who looked very like a gypsy man I saw on my way home from school once. He was much nicer as a man than as a floating head. He gave the man of straw a diploma (though I'm not sure what use that will be), and the man of tin a pocket watch shaped like a heart (though a handkerchief might have been more useful!), and he gave the lion man a pin for courage (though why a courage pin had "AA" written on it, I'll never know). And he promised to take me home in a hot air balloon! Except when it came time to leave that silly dog ran away and I couldn't just leave it him there, and the wizard took off in the balloon! I now know why Aunt Em says never to trust a wizard. I was so sad and very much wanted to be home, I couldn't help but cry. When out of nowhere the pink lady came again! And do you know what she told me? She told me that the shoes were magic and would have brought me home at any time! Well thank you for telling me this now Ma'am! All I had to do was click my heels and say "there's no place like home," and before I knew it I was waking up in my own bed, in my own room, back on our farm.
And there you have my very odd dream! I suppose maybe the dream was to teach me not to go wishing for things I don't really want and that even in the most bleak setting, home is where your heart is. But it has left me with a very silly desire to own a pair of red shoes. Perhaps when I am older I could talk Aunt Em into it, but for now I'll just sit here looking out my window that that most glorious rainbow. Oh my goodness! It's a double rainbow!

Cardigan- thrifted
Scotty dog brooch- gift from my parents
Dress- Vintage, Etsy
Belt- Target
Socks- JC Pennys
Loafers- Thrifted gift from my sister
I bought this dress on Tuesday and it got to my house yesterday. I haven't wanted to take it off! I love it so much, and yes it does remind me of my favourite fictional heroine. ;-) The dress has a few minor imperfections that i need to fix, but I couldn't wait to wear it! I think I could happily dress like Dorothy Gale for the rest of my days.
Don't forget, Midnight is the deadline to enter the giveaway!!
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