September 20, 2011

Guest Post: Autumnal Tones

Hello fellow lovers of Yammering Muse! I'm Brooke of Pretty Penny Mae and I feel so honored to be one of Ashley's guest posters this month!

I'm from Austin, TX and if there is one thing that I hate about living here is the fact that I don't get to properly enjoy my favorite of all seasons, autumn. It stays hot here well into October and just begins to cool off around mid November (my favorite month). Even though we don't get to enjoy the cool crisp mornings and the amazing shift of color from the foliage change, I try to inject the whimsy of autumn into my life by celebrating the colors which make it so beautiful. Year round I am drawn to rich jewel tones, but I like to amp it up a bit during the end of year months. One of the ways I do this is by choosing outfits that appeal to my favorite of all color palettes. 

My favorite dress is a great example. I was immediately drawn to this dress because of the wonderful rusty autumn tones and print. I love wearing a dark teal cardigan with it too, due to the way the colors compliment one another. Although I wear this dress year round, I find that it really comes into its own in the autumn months. 

Below are just a few examples of some of my favorite autumn colors and combinations.  




 For folks that feel unsure of their color selections, but would like to experiment with rich autumnal tones, a simple color wheel like the one above can be used to compare and combine colors.

Explore! Experiment! Enjoy the colors of autumn!

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