September 5, 2011

Movin' Out

Movin' Out
Cardigan- Target
Dress- Made by me
Boots- Vintage, thrifted

Today it is hot, humid, and rainy. This has never happened in my entire life. I am not a fan of hot rain. At least I am not a fan of the hot part. The rain is fine, just not the hot. Or the humid. My hair has turned into a giant poofball. Side braid is my only hair friend.

Movin' Out

My room is nearly all packed up but I ran out of boxes. I think there is something like 25 boxes now. It's bad. It's funny though, going through all your worldly possessions and putting them into a box. On the one hand I'm horrified that it has taken so many boxes to collect all of my things. On the other hand I know that each of those things has a special or funny meaning to me and I couldn't bare to part with them. I like stuff. I'm not a minimalist and I don't think there is anything wrong with liking things that make me happy. I always love that look of organized chaos, elegant clutter. There's character and charm and interesting stories surrounding you. I like that.

Movin' Out

So it is weird to see my room so barren. I mean there is still quite a bit of stuff to be packed up (anyone want 80 rolls of Christmas wrapping paper that I have accumulated under my bed...) and my clean laundry is currently in a huge pile on my floor, but the walls are almost empty, the cheap curtains have been put in the donations bag, and all my books are carefully packed away. It's a very weird feeling. A good one, but a weird one. I seem to flip-flop between melancholy nostalgia and giddy excitement. I still don't even have a place to live (don't get me started!), but I am ready to throw everything into a U-Haul at a moment's notice. I'm trying to get all my sewing done before that needs to be packed up (which will be the last to go). There's so much I need to do and want to do and I don't think I can do it all, but I am excited to try. I have a going away party this weekend and after that I'll be taking two weeks off. I have some lovely ladies to fill in for me while I head north. Everything is ready and I can hardly believe it. It's so close I can taste it. But I'm lingering on holding onto the very last bits of here until I really do need to let them go.

Movin' Out

I decided to do Self-Stitched-September this year. Cuz I'm a genius. When I was a kid I though "a genius" was one word like "ahgenius." I was convinced of it until I was like 12. Sometimes I still want to spell it that way and I have to remind myself it's two words. This is the kind of things I keep remembering. Silly weird things from childhood. Things that happened here. It's rather annoying. But I digress. I'm excited about SSS, but also kinda worried since like, my whole life will be in upheaval this month. Would y'all rather see weekly/bi-weekly SSS wrap ups, or daily ones (for this week at least.). I've been bad about taking pictures thanks to the fact that my camera screen is busted (not happy about that), but I am determined to go out with a bang in this last week of writing to you. So maybe daily posts aren't a bad idea. Okay I have rambled on enough. Hope your Labour Day is lovely!

oh and by the by there's a new layout for autumn. I still need a new header, but I'm kind waiting until I am somewhere that has leaves that change colour. novel concept as it is...

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