January 12, 2012

Home is wherever I'm with you



Coat- Target, gift from my parents
Scarf- Gift from my Nana (I do own other scarves)
Dress- Made by me
Cardigan- Target (I promise not to wear it again this week)
Belt & Tights- Target
Flats- Walmart
Headband- Made by me
Ruby Slippers brooch- Gift from Gracie

Not that anyone would notice but I have been trying to wear all those things that often don't get as much love as they should. I went through my clothes last weekend and got rid of a good amount of stuff I never wear because I just don't like it anymore, but I decided to keep a handful that I just never wear for no apparent reason and force myself to wear them this week. I really love this dress and I do not know why I don't wear it more often. It is so fun and flattering! And it's a perfect base dress for adding colour pops. sure maybe I looked a tad Christmasy today, but personally I think Christmas should start the day after Thanksgiving and go until Valentines Day. In a perfect world..... In other news, I didn't plan on going to the gym today. But then I went in to get my measurements taken for costuming. Hmmm, where did those new numbers come from....? I blame it on all the hot chocolate I consumed over Christmas. So to the gym I went. There is nothing as entertaining as watching the reaction on people's faces when they see someone working out with an Opera Score in their hands.




I've been missing home somthin' fierce. And not Beyonce fierce, just achy, need a hug from my mama fierce. Coming back was harder this time. But I keep trying to find little things that remind me of home and appreciate them all I can. The sand in my shoes, the sand in the pocket of my favourite coat, the smell of peppermint, the brooch Gracie gave me for Christmas (she has a matching one!)... They each give me a reason to smile.  I bought a necklace a while ago with a charm that looks a lot like Gracie. This is the conversation she and I had about it on Skype the other day:

Me: Did you know I bought a necklace because the little girl on the charm looks like you?
Grace: really! that's so cute!
Me: yes it is, so now I can wear it whenever I miss you!
Grace: you must wear it all the time everyday.

That kid rocks.

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