As I type this the rain continues to pour down as it has since Monday night. I have learned some things about my feelings about weather. I love rain. I love snow. I really hate the two of them together. It results in sopping wet feet that you have to stand in during a very long rehearsal, slips and slides, and a grumpy Ashley. I am sad to see the snow go, but happy the slush is gone. I have been turned off from ICEEs for the rest of my life. But apparently the non-stop rain/not enough sleep thing I've got going on this week has led my brain to think it is totally okay to dress like a Hipster. Or like 10 year old Ashley desperately wanted to. My mom was very anti-grunge and I'm still not sure how I came to own jeans with ripped knees, that brown plaid flannel shirt, or the construction worker boots with lace trimmed socks. Such a trend setter...

I made a half circle skirt! I love it! I had to do some real math (ew) to figure it out, but man alive this is the best made garment I own. I hand stitched the waistband and hem. I've come to find that hand stitching things like that is actually very relaxing for me. I'd love to show you better pictures, but well, just continue reading. But the point is I am really fond of this shape on me, slightly fuller than an A-line, but not as full as a full circle skirt. It's much more flattering on my figure, and easy peasy to make! This one is made out of some Navy broadcloth from my stash. I wore this skirt three times this week. It's a keeper. Next time I'm going to line it, and make it out of two pieces (this one has just one seam!) to add pockets and maybe some hem detailing. I love projects like this that lend themselves to alteration!
Image from A Beautiful Mess
Oh how I miss having a real camera! I love my phone camera, it's actually fairly decent, but I miss taking pictures that come out pretty, and messing with settings, and looking like a tourist all the time. Speaking of which did you ever see this tutorial on A Beautiful Mess? I am dying to get this made before my dear departed camera is returned to me. (which I guess makes it not departed. I'm not sure, I've been studying German diction for hours on end and my brain is fried.) I was hoping to pick up some oil cloth before I left California to make mine up in to make it waterproof (which considering that a bottle of water that ended up open in my bag was the downfall of the camera, and the fact that it has rained for three days straight and everything in my purse is soaked by noon, is a really good idea.). I'm love this print a lot! I think I'll modify the design a little. Add some lens pockets inside and line it with a flannel maybe? I'm still playing around with the idea in my head.
Image from Etsy via Pintrest
Speaking of convienent DIY's I really want to make up one of these too! My poor phone and earbuds find themselves shoved in whatever space in my bag that is not taken up my water bottles or sheet music. I have some flannel left over from a nightgown I made (that I'd show you if I ever got my camera back.) and I think that would be perfect for one of these cute things!
My life has been taken over by the Opera. We're not even at the full rehearsal schedule yet. I was listening to a CD the other night after studying some of my parts, and suddenly was hearing everything in German. Not actual German, just made up German sounding words that were not actually being sung. It was weird and made me weep a little. I am slowly going insane due to this, which is how this photo came to be... don't ask. (also these are the bets wool socks on the planet and I cannot thank my sister and brother-in-law for them enough!) But I am so excited for this production! I don't remember if I told you all or not, but we're setting it in a Steampunk fashion and I cannot express how perfect this is for The Magic Flute! Our costume designer came in to show us all the sketches for our costumes the other day. Mine is based off this photo (if you click through to look at the board it's our costume designer's inspiration board so you can get an idea of what some of the costumes are going to be like.). Ringlets and all (except the hat.). Too, too excited! Now if I could just get all the German down!
Sometimes I think people get the wrong idea about my feelings towards my hair. I really love my hair. It's pretty great honestly, and I like the frizziness and mind of it's own. I especially like my hair when it's rainy. This week I had some great hair days. Then I had this hair day:
Which looks tamer than it was in real life.
And that's my world right now. How's yours?
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