April 1, 2009

Monday Inspiration Station #4

So I wrote this thing Monday morning and never bothered posting it. Apologies.
You should note that some lady in my office told me that I reminded her of Kelly Osbourn on Monday, and while I have mad Osbourn love (they're new show is the shizz), I am nothing like Kelly Osbourn. I'm really bothered by this. The lady called me Kelly today when I came in. So now I'm worried that I'm like Kelly and that's kinda sad...

And on a totally unrelated note: my hair has reached wow status today. I put it in rag curlers last night for some inexplicable reason (actually the rag I shredded to make rag curlers were sitting on my dresser and I was like, Huh, I think I'll do my hair like this.). It's somewhere in betwix a Poodle and a Silent Movie Star. If Barbara Stanwyck had been into bestiality, my hair would be the love child of that. (Oh my gosh, why did I write that...) I think I like it, but I'm not sure.... It kinda looks like and outta control version of this:

Which is kinda interesting since this is what I had for inspiration this week:

I'm a huge Clara Bow fan. As I'm sure you've figured out I absolutely love all things from the 20's and 30's (except Au Gratin jello), and the style of hair, make-up, and clothing is just so beautiful! Someone once told me I looked like Clara Bow and I was like, okay sure, then I did that "which celebrity do you look like" thing on that genealogy finding site and Clara Bow was my top match. I don't see it, but hey I like the idea of it. P.S. that is the skirt of my dreams.

And continuing on with the theme, this picture makes me happy on so many levels. I love Art Deco prints. I love how sophisticated all these kids look (look at the boys in their suits!), I love the white stockings and shoes, I love that this appears to be a tennis party, I love the colours, and I love the caption down below: "Molly Poured Out For Everybody."

On a similar note, this picture has so much in it that I love, I don't even know where to begin. THAT BAG! THAT COAT!

Yeah, um, I love this video. Like really love it. Like I've played it seven times this morning and have probably driven all my co-workers nuts with it. Karen O please be my friend.

I hope you realize the pure genius/epicness of The Decemeberists. They're from Portland too. If you haven't heard the new album The Hazards of Love go now and listen to it. Genius. Epic.

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