June 1, 2009

June Gloom (Inspiration Monday #12)

I made a decision to set a date and just do it. I'm not going back on my word, that's exciting. I'm not scared, but rather excited about it, that's exciting. I've got all kinds of plans, that are super exciting. So I picked a date:

June 25th 2010

I'm moving.

No more ugly smog,

No more Santa Ana winds,

No more blistering summers that start in January,

No more nine inches of rain a year,

No more California.

Sure I'll miss some things. Sure it'll be weird.

But I can't wait.

Why that date you ask?

Grace's birthday is the 23rd, and my Disneyland pass will run out on the 22nd. That give me two whole days to make a clean break. I know. Disneyland? Yes. Disneyland determined my moving date.

I get giddy goosebumps thinking about it.

One year and 24 days.

Let's do this thing.

That's what's inspiring me this week. How about you?

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