January 6, 2010

Sunrise, Sunset

Today, instead of getting ready the Exciting News I said I had yesterday, I spent my time listening to The Beatles on vinyl (Abbey Road is an incredibly beautiful and sexy album don't you think?), and sewing. I managed to finish refashioning this dress, and mending a few more. I absolutely love the feel of this dress. It's vintage from Mexico (I found it as Goodwill before the shopping ban and in it's former life it was a tent and I had to take the straps up four inches) and it's woven like a Mexican poncho (which while not particularly beautiful, they are damn cozy), and while I'm not crazy about the colour purple (I actually absolutely hate it. long story about my grandma and how every gift I've recieved since I was seven has been purple), I really love this shade for some reason. All I did to cinche it in was take some bias tape and sew it around the waist to make a casing. Then I strung some cord elastic through that and tied it off.
When I told my mom how much I really love this dress now, and how great it's going to be for summer and for going to the beach she looked at me like I'd spoken in Swahili. "Because you're really going to be going to the beach so much this summer?" It took me a good few moments to realize that oh yeah, I'm not going to have to endure a Californian summer this year, nor endure a Californian over-crowded, over-tanned, over-botox-ed beach this summer. Then I smiled.
But then, just a few moments ago, I walked to the window of my room and saw this:

I may hate California, but I do love the sunsets. It's one of the few un-exaggerated Californian folklore tales. There are few things more beautiful than the pink, blue, purple, and orange sunsets of the West Coast.

Good Lord I sound sappy. I promise to stop talking about moving now!
Oh and FYI I am going to be doing some blog matinence this week, updating my links and side bars and stuffs, so if you'd like to exchange links leave a comment with the link you'd like to add, and I'll be happy to include you!
Happy Wednesday!

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