June 21, 2010

Monday Inspiration # 38: Oh the 70's...

Remember a couple weeks ago when I was talking about how I was noticing a shift in the things that appealed to me? How usually I went for the ugly, but now I find myself craving softer, prettier, and quieter items? Well this is still true, but there are some of the ugly things that I still really like. I mean I really love the 70's. They were funky, junky, full of clashing colours, had great music, and there was this whole liberation thing that despite the fact that I might not agree with all of it, is very infectious. And I've always had a soft spot for those earthy, hippie types. A few years ago I did a show and met my very wonderful friend Lauren (who I see once a year. It's a joke, but a true fact nonetheless) who I was delighted to find had a love of the 60's and 70's like I did. Both of us were called hippies by our friends and families. We wore peace sign earrings, and toe rings, and bracelets, and liked batik and tie-dye. We loved bright colours and wore out hair long and wavy (until mid-show I lopped mine off, which was a really bad idea.) In high school I had somehow developed the nickname "The Clean Hippie," which i think came from a Mexico Mission Trip where I dressed like a hippie, but refused not to shower (I also became known as "Massive Butt" during this same trip because I jokingly claimed to break a stone step (I didn't actually do it) by sitting on it with my massive butt, and then the name stuck).

My two favourite decades are the 40's and the 70's which are polar opposits. I like to joke that I'm a contradiction of myself because I always like things that are the opposite of eachother and shouldn't fit. However I am learning that liking the ugly things in life are okay, in moderation. Clothing wise I look better in styles from the 40's, but that doesn't mean I can Earth Mother it every once in a while and where some peasanty hippie dress and comune with nature. It's all about balance.

So while I'm not latching onto so many ugly things these days, every once in a while I find a real ugly duckling of a gem Like this:

Creative Patterns

This box? Well the box is okay, but it's what's inside the box that is totally awesome in a really bad way.
Creative Patterns

Sewing patterns! What! Yes! I found this box at that big rummage sale I went to in March (and am just getting around to showing you!). I saw the box sitting on the crafting table after hunting through each basket for vintage patterns and figured I might as well see what was in it. I expected it was misplaced and was a recipe holder, or just filled with notions, but no. I had stumbled onto a treasure trove of ridiculousness. Are you ready for the patterns? They are kind of awesome!

Creative Patterns
Some of the patterns aren't so bad. They're basic styles and could be easily adapted to other eras. But they styling is pretty funny! I love how patterns from the 70's always feature exaggerated leg lengths.

Creative Patterns

Creative Patterns

Creative Patterns
I don't know what is up with the sea captain thing. I think these two piece outfits are the worst. Who wore them??

Creative Patterns
Each set of patterns comes with a booklet filled with helpful hints and tips for constructing the garmets. These are actually incredibly useful.

Creative Patterns
Hello culotts.

Creative Patterns

Creative Patterns
I really love the green dress, but what in the what is that purple thing? And that blue suit! Wowza!

Creative Patterns
And then there are these. I love that they are called "exotic" styles. My jr. high and high school self would have loved to sport these!

Creative Patterns
I am not going ti lie, I seriously want that trench! It's just a lovely, lovely cut!
And now we come to my favourite portion of the patterns: The men's wear. Holy Cow.

Creative Patterns
You will observe Starsky and Hutch talking with Fred of the Scooby Doo gang.

Creative Patterns
And here Starsky and Hutch are getting cozy with a pimp, while Clint Eastwood looks on. Amazing.
I will proably never use most of the patterns, but a few of them I'm sure will get lots of use. At the least they are great entertainment!


  1. What a fabulous find! I love how weird and over the top illustrations for 1970s fashion were.

  2. Tis my favourite thing about 70's patterns! haha!
