June 18, 2013


Hair comb- Me Made
Earrings- Forever 21
Bangles: White- LA? Corvallis?, Floral- Gift from Bri
Blouse- Thrifted
Dress- Me Made
Shoes- Remix, gift

This dress and blouse is a combo I have wanted to try forever but haven't until now. I wore this shirt all the time in Oregon, but it hasn't seen much action since I returned to So. Cal. I'm not really sure why, it's a pretty perfect blouse for summer, especially our horrifically hot summers, so I am rather happy to get reacquainted with it. And I really like the way these two work together. It's nice to get back to re-mixing my wardrobe.

Summer dressing confuses me. I know. Everyone's always Blah, Blah, throw on a dress and sandals! But I don't like that. I mean, I feel like my style is all about layers. I love to pile on. You can't pile anything on (especially not around these parts) in the Summer. It's boring. And hot. Neither of those things appeal to me at all.

I like looking like I'm bordering on Did she just throw that on and it came out cool? and Girlfriend literally just threw on all the clothes she owns and now looks kinda like a Victorian Sailor Hobo(Victorian Sailor Hobo is what I ultimately aim to achieve in life.)? So until I have the luxury of travelling between hemispheres so as to escape Summer, I guess I'll settle for light layers.

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