April 2, 2014

Beach Baby


Erica was here on Spring Break last week. We had a ton of adventures and really amazing wonderful times (including meeting Jason Mraz in a completely bizarre "this doesn't ever actually happen in the town I live in, especially not at my favourite mexican restaurant" turn of events), but I was so bad at taking pictures! I have a few on Instagram, but I did manage to bring along my DSLR when we went down to the beach. I've been trying to push my photography skills as of late, and really learn how to use my camera. I am by no means a pro, but slowly I'm learning to take a better photo. These are from our jaunt in Oceanside and I'm pretty happy with them.

Every beach day requires this song on endless loop.






The weather was really weird. Inland it was rainy and cold, and even rained on us a tiny bit when we first got to the beach. But then the wind picked up and blew like crazy and the sun came out and it warmed up a bit. It was actually pretty perfect. We played in the water and climbed the jetty, had chicken strips and French toast and chocolate milkshakes for lunch, visited the Surf Museum, met up with friends of Erica's to walk the Pier and my parents and siblings joined us all for a Fish'n'chip dinner. 

Earlier in the week I took Erica to Hollywood where she was disappointed to learn just how tacky/trashy/lame it all was. But this, this is the part of California that never disappoints. Blast some Beach Boys, throw on some sandals, and soak up a little bit of joy. 









How was your Spring Break?
What have you got planned for your's?

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